555 Difficult Bible Questions Answered

472. How Are We to Accept Christ as Saviour?

Though salvation by faith is such a simple thing, many souls stumble at it. It seems too simple to be true, so they go about trying to find a harder way to be saved, and of course they do not find it because there is no other way. This is what we should say to every seeking soul: The first step toward Christ is to realize what it is that keeps you away from him, that is, your sin. Christ is very near you, nearer than your closest friend; but your sin separates your soul from him. You must confess your sin, acknowledge that you have sinned; you must repent of your sin, making restitution if you have wronged any one; you must determine to forsake your sin. But these things are not faith; they are only the necessary steps to faith. Faith is the definite belief that Christ died for your sins and that he actually forgives them now. "He tasted death for every man." If that is so, then he really, literally died for you. It is very easy to believe Jesus if you will just let yourself do it Faith is an extremely simple thing; doubt is difficult In your brain you know that he died "for every man." How can you doubt, then, that he died for you? You know that he died for the sins of the whole world; this must include you. Nothing in the history of the world is a surer, steadier fact than that Christ was crucified to save you from sin. The moment any one will stop doubting that fact and begin to believe it he will find peace, and find Christ "Be not afraid—only believe." "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." Have you not proved that the way of doubt is hard and sad? Will you not try now the way of trust, and find how sweet and light and glad it is?